+31 343 595 400

SiteTec Parts & Tools

Where else can you find SiteTec parts and tools than at SiteTec itself! We’re making modifications to pump parts for better standard and quality, matching the HDD market. This was the thought behind the own production line of SiteTec parts.

Better Parts & Tools for HDD market

Where we did modification on parts used in our units in our workshop, we realized we could better start producing our own OEM line of parts commonly used in the HDD market. Parts that needed a small modification to work better and longer on the specific conditions in our specific market.  

Do you need any SiteTec parts, just contact us!

SiteTec parts & tools
SiteTec parts & tools
SiteTec parts & tools

Discover all SiteTec parts & tools

We can offer these part to our customers for a better price and quality. Still this is not our core business, but we sell quite a lot of SiteTec parts on a yearly base to our customers. SiteTec parts that we often sell are piston rubbers, liners, valves, cones, seats, screens, piston rods, springs, cages, roller slings, venturi, venturi housing, chainbox seal, SiteTec screen, shaker airbladder, air valve, shaker bolt and more.

Experience is the key

Our 30 years of experience and knowledge in the drilling industry ensures that we build units of the highest quality that are reliable and efficient. All units are designed using our extensive experience. We only supply top end units, built for highest performance and durability. In these units only the best parts are place. So if there is a need to specifically produce these parts, that is just what we do!

  • What is the delivery time?
  • What is SiteTec’s assortment of parts & tools?
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Different ways of overhauling

Due to our way of building, our units last for many years! Maintenance, intensive use…

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A full service customer orientated project

In addition to our standard units, we construct custom build units, or like the project…

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We only like tough questions

We have answers! Read our frequently asked questions or contact us

We are international

We can deliver almost everywhere. Check out our dealer network